Dataset: An example of combined sewer overflow (CSO) input for Goesdorf structure (CSO chamber, CSOC).EmiStatR::E2
Dataset: An example of combined sewer overflow (CSO) input for Kaundorf structure (CSO chamber, CSOC).EmiStatR::E3
Dataset: An example of combined sewer overflow (CSO) input for Nocher-Route structure (CSO chamber, CSOC).EmiStatR::Esch_Sure2010
Dataset: An example time series for the EmiStatR packageEmiStatR::P1
Dataset: An example of input time series for the EmiStatR packageEmiStatR::P1_20111216
Dataset: An example of input time series for the EmiStatR packageEmiStatR::inf
Dataset: An example of general input for infiltration characteristics in the study region.EmiStatR::pe_factor
Dataset: An example of general input for the daily population equivalent factors in the study region.EmiStatR::qs_factor
Dataset: An example of general input for the daily water consumption factors in the study region.EmiStatR::qs_factor_ATV
Dataset: An example of general input for the daily water consumption factors (ATV German guideline) in the study region.EmiStatR::rw
Dataset: An example of general input for rainwater characteristics in the study region.EmiStatR::ww
Dataset: An example of general input for wastewater characteristics in the study region.